Experimental Demonstration of Quantum Advantage for Computing and Communication Tasks

Congratulations Dr.Yacoub !


The distinctive and often counterintuitive characteristics of quantum mechanics, such as superposition, no-cloning, and entanglement, have opened up new avenues in the field of information science. Researchers have been utilizing these characteristics to find efficient solutions to difficult computational problems and to establish new, unbreakable security concepts in various communication tasks. This thesis covers a range of topics. We begin by experimentally demonstrating the reduced quantity of information transfer required to solve a specific problem. Following that, we implement a cryptographic technique for coin flipping, highlighting the enhanced cheat sensitivity provided by the quantum framework. Additionally, in the realm of cryptography, we investigate ways to make an essential functionality known as Oblivious Transfer, which relies on quantum resources for computational security, more feasible in practice. Next, we focus on the Boson sampling problem, which has been shown to be extremely challenging using classical simulations but achievable through quantum optics; we aimed to implement a verification protocol for this well-known task. The quantum physical system that underpins all the experiments in this work are based on quantum optics. Lastly, on a more theoretical level, we seek to delve into the domain of quantum correlations by developing numerical tools to characterize quantum steering within any given network. Our results provide concrete examples where a quantum advantage can be demonstrated in practice and open the way to further explorations of more complex scenarios in quantum information science.